Do flowers mean anything to you? Can you pinpoint a bouquet of a type of flower and remember what makes it special?
When we were dating Ryan sent bouquets of roses regularly.
The time John Lyons sent me 3 yellow roses just for being a friend stands out.
When we lived on Guam there was bouganvilla and hibiscus and plumeria all over the place but the one flower that stands out isn't even one that I saw- there was one road that if you drove it in the evening after a rain then you could smell the wild orchids. It was wonderful and fleeting and if we ever get back to Guam it will be the first place I go.
We came back to the States in the fall, it was cold and gray and dismal. When I went into labor with Taryn they told me to go walk. We discovered the tulip fields in Skagit Valley. Tulips and Taryn go hand in hand. We try to go to the fields each spring, usually to Mossyrock but we may try the Willamette Valley this year, I've heard its beautiful.
Taryn was diagnosed with leukemia in October, by January I was ready to go home and let it all be over. For the first time I really noticed primroses when they appeared in the stores. I bought some and enjoyed them but 2 winters later after she had died the appearance of primroses reminded me that there is still Hope and Spring is coming. Each winter I've bought a pot or two or three to remind me. Last winter they appeared the week that we lost Ahvri, God wanted to make sure I knew that it's okay, there is still hope in this world, and better things are coming.
Yesterday was beautiful, I went out and poked around in the flower beds, The daffodils have buds, the snowdrops are up, and my primroses are starting to bloom. I've never had much luck growing tulips but every primrose I've ever bought gets planted in the flower beds. One of these days the entire yard is going to be covered in red and yellow and purple blooms. Oh, and I have one very special double primrose that was a gift after Taryn died.
Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you may also be where I am. John 14:1-3
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