Growing up in Western Washington I knew all the jokes about the rain- I had webs between my toes, I went to the Rain Festival July 1- June 30, etc. But then we had an El Nino year and a La Nina year and the past few years we've had way too much hot weather in July and August. This year seems to be working up to one of the rainy summers of my childhood. There hasn't been any teaser hot weather that makes the kids long for summer and school to be out, just rain and more rain. We had one hot weekend- I'm just wondering if it was our only summer...
Even the flowers seem messed up, tulips are supposed to bloom in April for Ryan and Taryn's birthdays, the lilacs are gone by Mother's Day and by our anniversary the only spring flowers left are the irises because the summer flowers haven't yet started to bloom. We have clematis, tulips, poppies, iris, lilacs, columbines, and peonies all at the same time this year.
Arin enjoying the rare sunshine at the ballfield. This is the same day that the tops of my feet and my arms really burned. Most days we are at the ballfield in jeans, wool socks, hoodies, rain gear, and fleece blankets to wrap around us.